Roy's New View
Porch Enclosures
Are you tired of trying to sit out on your porch or deck in the evening when the mosquitos start coming out?
Don't need one of the fancy three season rooms we offer? Maybe a simple porch enclosure is more to your liking. We can provide a simple enclosure utilizing commercial products from Harvey Building Products or just add windows and/or sliding doors to an existing porch. Another alternative is to screen in your porch. There are several ways you can make your porch much more hospitable!

Roy's can create a deck to enhance your house and increase your entertainment area. Besides the commercially available products from Harvey's Building Products our crew can add an assortment of deck and railing systems.

Have two cars but only a one car garage or no garage and want to get them both under cover but don't really want to add an expensive new garage? We can help you by adding a car port to the side of your house or utilize a free standing unit.
We have available Harvey carport and patio covers or we can stick build it to whatever configuration you want. These Harvey covers can be used as car ports or to cover a patio to keep it dry.